when it rains – it pours

The weather is not in your power. The weather is not your fault, even if you can’t change it. Especially because you can’t change it.

Going inside and keeping warm will not stop the rain from raining outside. Sometimes this will help you not get wet, but sometimes the rain is so bad it causes leaks in your house.

The rain will still stop eventually. If you have the tools, you can fix the leaks when they happen. If not, you can fix the leaks in your house when they’re no longer damp. The leaks can be fixed eventually, even if you need help to do it.

If you can’t stop the rain, and you can’t get out of it, you’re allowed to sit in it. The rain will stop by itself when it stops. You can also be angry at shout at the sky demons for making everything wet. Sitting in the rain is okay, and it can be fun if you learn to take the good from it.

Rain happens. It’s ok.

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